Welcome to the HLP Unlimited Wash Club!

Here are a few things to know so you can take full advantage of your new membership

  • You’ll NEVER drive dirty again! You now have access to our facilities anytime we are open.

  • You are automatically enrolled in our free Towel Exchange Program. Give us your used towel before entering the tunnel to receive a clean one from our cashier. We CANNOT accept towels that are greasy or overly saturated because it will contaminate other towels. Replacement towels will be $2.

  • To manage your membership, come to our member management page where you can update your credit info or discontinue your membership. When cancelling, your membershp will be valid until your anniversary date.

  • Your barcode sticker is your key into the wash, if it is tampered with, we have the right to cancel your membership and refuse service. If you need a replacement for whatever reason, there is a one time $5 fee.